In English

The Rehabil Kft. has been operating since 2002. We have two premises in Békés county, Hungary.

Our biggest premise is in Békés, in this factory we have a preperative section a tailoring room, a sewing section and an ender or packaging section. Our machinery contains cutting machines, sewing machines with various mode of stiches, welding machines, ironing machines, compactors. This year we earn a tender so we can develop our machinery and automatize our sewing factrories.

We have 111  employees, 60 % of them have been living with disabilities. The fluctuation at the workplaces are low. The productivity rate is around 80 %.

Our major profile is high quality overclothes – as coats and ski jackets- as lease work. Our main partners are Ortovox and Moncler.

Beside that we produce bags to Hungary for the YKRA, baby and kid’s clothing to France for the Bonpoint, safety lifejackets to Sweden for the Baltic.
